A furnace constantly turning on and off signifies short cycling. When a furnace causes short cycling, it prevents your home from getting comfortable, warm air in the winter. The primary...
Category: Furnaces and Boilers
House owners forget about the furnace filters until their unit starts behaving abnormally. So, it is important to change the dirty filters regularly. But does the furnace need a filter? What happens...
When winter arrives, all we care about is an efficient furnace to receive warm and comfortable air inside the house. But it is stressful to see the furnace blowing cold air. Today, we shall explore...
A furnace is meant to produce adequate heat for your house. But it is frustrating to see it not heating. Besides, the unit will keep running to give you the desired temperature and end up...
As a beginner, you may think a furnace can constantly run until you turn it off. But that is not the case. A furnace runs in cycles, just like air conditioners. But if the furnace is constantly...
The best thing about furnaces is you receive warm and comfortable air even during harsh winter. But the worst thing is the unit fails to start sometimes. This article will explore the various reasons...